
Because every foot is unique

Thousands of skiing enthusiasts. And everyone has a pair of them: one left and one right! It’s obvious that with so many unique feet not every boot can fit right away. However, there are enough tricks and methods that we have been using for over 50 years to solve these problems. Our nimble-fingered "Boot-Docs" work day in day out to make your own boots, and those of many other satisfied customers, fit perfectly.


Using the personal foot analysis, today's technology combined with traditional techniques enables us to fit your boot (shell and inner shoe) personally to your foot. Made-to-measure soles round the whole thing off!

The Strolz boot

The measure of all things: The Strolz boot. Not only are the usual tricks from the workshop used here. This boot is your most personal item in winter sports.

Not only the shell is stretched or the sole is adapted here. Your foot is already evaluated and analysed accurately to the millimetre during the consultation. Then the perfect inner shoe with suitable shell is selected. They are both then personalised again and your own foot is turned into a model for the crowning finish.

The final adjustment is made using a foam mixture that fills the inner shoes while you are wearing them. Your foot is wrapped in foam and fills all the spaces between the foot and the shell under perfect pressure.

Once this unique experience has been completed and a schnapps later they’re ready, unique, handmade and personalised: YOUR ski boots!